Siberian and Other Beardless Iris

Siberian iris are quite popular, even though their color range is much more limited than bearded iris.
They have narrow, grass-like leaves and fibrous roots, happily growing in moist sunny sites.

The beardless iris also have bee guides. They're just not fuzzy.

'Sea Shadows' is a wonderful medium blue, like the sea & sky interface.

An unusual red-violet color makes 'Reddy Maid' a unique cultivar.

Most Siberian iris are in shades of blue, but there are some excellent white ones
like 'Lights of Paris' with its rich yellow bee guide blotch on the falls.

'Harpswell Snow' has broad falls, and a paler, more subtle bee guide.

I was quite taken with Iris sanguinea 'Kamagama'. Looking much like
a Siberian iris, the flowerbud sheath is rich dark red. And the flower stalks
are about 4 feet tall. This sizeable clump made an eye-catching display.

Iris pseudacorus is a Eurasian species that has a reputation as a thug.
It is able to grow in average to moist soil, even in shallow standing water.
Seeds spread it around to roadside ditches, so it has the reputation as invasive.
This pretty cultivar, 'Variegata' has creamy, golden yellow variegated leaves.
But the color will alter to all green once the long sunny days of summer have arrived.

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